Friday, December 30, 2016


Monday morning found Pop having one of his unique driving expierence's, the guys were busy in the shop when Grandpa walks in puffing...I have some ducks, who will come help me with my ducks? 
The boys were like...ducks? Ya ducks, I have them in my van he replied as they headed for the door, where's the van Grandpa? Noticing it was no where to be seen. Oh it's up the road at the corner, you'll need to bring a truck and tow rope....oh so what happened? They asked, he smirked just a little as he tried to explain how he was rounding the corner on SR and there right in his path were three ducks out on their morning stroll...he nailed'em all! Poor things
So they jumped into the rig and headed up there, sure enough there it was, ole Wrinkles the Honda Odessy, tottering on a snow bank and the guys smiling and Gramps explaining😄 
The best I can tell, Pop saw the ducks,nail'em and thought they shouldn't be wasted so loaded his trophies into the van and proceeded to turn around and somehow the mirrors didn't show everything and he wound up off the he walked and puffed his way to the previous owners of the ducks ( they were his now) and they gave him a ride to our place so he could get help.Next it was  Grandsons to the rescue.
He was soon on his way in to see Mom, he was quite tired out from his Duck Dynasty episode but I'm sure he told Mom all about it and she most likely just looked...maybe smiled a bit probably thinking, Oh Pop what next! 
Below the rest of the Story...
Ellamae and Dolan doing the duck honors...Thanks Grandpa!

Fun Photo

Galen and Darwin having fun with mom. It looks like mom still remembers some things :)

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Saturday, December 24, 2016

It's Christmas Time Again

  The kids and I stopped in to decorate mom's room for Christmas on Thursday. I took a painting in for her that had hung in Grandma Knopf's living room for as long as I can remember. I always loved it.

  It's a winter scene. Everything is black and white. The snow, trees and frozen creek. The sky is a heavy with unsnowed, snow. Then smack in the middle is a red house, the roof is deep in snow. It's beautiful! But then I love winter.

  When I showed the painting to mom, she got this huge grin on her face and I'm pretty certain that she remembers it.

  I wound a string of white lights around the painting and now it has a lovely glow.

Last evening all our kids came home for our family Christmas gathering. It was so much fun. We had a couple birthday's in the mix as well. Grandpa and Blake have birthdays on the 21st and the 23rd. The kids and I gave Steve an ice fishing shanty.

  This morning all the kids that were available came back for brunch and then the guys had some quality guy time while us girls ran in to the coffee shop where Phebe works.

  This afternoon Matt's and us went in to the nursing home to see grandma. Dad was there too.

  Now it's evening and the house is quiet with only six of us left here at home. I end the day with a thankful heart. It has been good.

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