Saturday, September 16, 2017

The End of Our Journey Together

  I'm sad to post for the last time tonight. I started this blog with a purpose for mom's family, because I knew this day would come. When we would have nothing left but memories and we would need a little help to say, remember when mom.........

   I want to thank you all of my readers who have encouraged me with the words,....I read your blog. There's something supportive about that comment that I will miss after today. Thank you for caring about my parents and our family as we have walked this difficult journey.

  On Thursday Larita, Angie and I never made it to Pop's house to work cleaning and sorting. I had a crazy pile-up of stuff to do. Like canning 5 bushels of apples into sauce and clean at Pop's house, and keep an eye on Mom.

  So I called Angie and asked her to please go see Mom and start without me, so that I could get my applesauce operation at home off to a good start. Meanwhile some Good Samaritans in the form of my niece Janessa and my daughter in law Anna came to help Phebe who I knew would be up to her neck and should not be left alone. I was so grateful for their help.

  I then headed in to see Mom. Angie and Larita were there as planned. Mom seemed to be holding her own. She was not taking anything in by mouth at that point, but she would still look at us and follow us with her eyes. We sat and visited for awhile. I still had the house on my mind and felt I should go see to it. Around noon Larita called my attention to the fact that while mom appeared to be looking at us she wasn't really focusing at all. I stopped to look and realized she was right. Just an unfocused stare. But then minutes later she followed again. Angie and Larita walked out then and I intended to follow them out but I stopped, knelt beside Mom's bed and talked to her. Not knowing that this was the last time that she really would zone in and see me. I have no clue what I said to her.

  When I walked out I was suddenly overcome with the conviction that the house was of no consequence. It could wait. This very well might be the last day I could spend with my Mom.

  So I called Larita and told her what I felt and she agreed, so I ran home to check on my crew and turned around and went right back to Mom. When I got back she wasn't focusing at all anymore. The nurse came in and said she felt that Mom was uncomfortable and agitated and she advised that we should give her a drug to relax her. After listening and observing Mom I recognized that she was turning her head from side to side and showing signs of pain and anxiety. Her breathing was really fast at that point as well. So I agreed to the medicine.

  Almost immediately after the drug she relaxed and slipped into a coma. Her breathing had a bad rattle until they came in and repositioned her. So we spent the day there. Watching her breathe fast and realizing that this was really going to be the end. The staff at the Nursing Home was very supportive and kept us supplied with coffee and snacks. They made sure Mom wasn't in pain or uncomfortable as far as was possible. I called Darwin and told him about the rattle in Mom's breathing so him and Eunice came in and I took a quick run home to take pizza to my applesauce crew. Galen and Donna came while I was gone then.

  Things seemed to stay pretty much the same with Mom into the evening. After supper a lot of the grandchildren started to filter in until the room was filled and then we sang and it was beautiful. I wish I could remember all the songs we sang, but it ministered to our souls and if Mom could still hear I hope it helped her journey as well.

  Darwin was sick with sore throat so they went home at midnight to get some rest. That left Angie, Clifford, Larita, Carrie and I there to watch through the night. Angie was like a sentinel, never allowing herself to sleep a wink lest she miss Mom's passing. I was so tired from getting up early that morning that I finally succumbed to sleep after committing it to the Lord.

 I know this is a long post.......bear with me, it was an equally long night.

  I think I slept for an hour when Angie woke me saying that she thought Mom was having periods of Apnea. But I couldn't see it, her breathing had probably slowed some, it was much more shallow at that point.

  So I sat in a huge recliner in her room and watched her until my eyes could not stay open and I dosed again. Around 3am Larita and Clifford came back in the room and wondered about leaving or not. Larita really didn't want to leave but we all knew it could drag into the next day and so they reluctantly decided to leave.

  Soon after they left, around 4am Mom's breathing noticeable started having periods of apnea. I called Darwins again and let them know and Angie and I pulled chairs up beside mom's bed and held her hand and watched and talked. The moments of watching her not breathe were kind of suffocating. I felt like I just needed to breathe for her.

  Darwin's and Emma came and we all sat around her bed and talked about Mom and Pop and seeing Jesus and how glorious it was going to be for mom to be free of Dementia. We sat there for a full hour and at the last her breathing just slowed down to longer and longer periods between shallow breaths and than three very small widely spaced breaths later, she was gone. At 6:40am

  Everything happened so fast after that. There were tears, but also rejoicing. I found a dress to send with her to the Funeral Home and Darwin, Eunice Angie and I sat in the family room and did some planning while the CNAs prepared Mom's body to leave. I can't say enough about how grateful we all are for the nursing staff at the Home. They had so much compassion and cared so well for Mom and us too. So grateful.

  I was so tired.....

  There was so much to do, at home, planning and I went to my parents house. While I was there I was overwhelmed with a sense of loss. I went to find white clips for Mom's veil and she always had quite a stash of hair accessories. While I was going through that stuff I realized that I was remembering mom as she was before her Dementia.

  Then I made a new discovery.......I'm grieving for two people in the same body. The mom I loved before Dementia. The one that was always there to talk to and have a good time with. The one who loved my children. The one who could rattle off the ingredients of an Apple Pie in an instant. The one who loved to cook, loved to eat out and go shopping. The one who loved to give gifts and never missed a birthday. The one who let me come to her house to sew because it was hard to get it done at home with the kids underfoot. The one who believed in me. the one whose eyes lit up when I walked in the room.

  But I also loved the other one.... The one who needed me. The one who didn't know who she was anymore. The one who needed reassurance. Who needed her hand held. Who needed someone to come visit in spite of the fact that her eyes no longer lit up when I walked in. The one who needed us to give her dignity when she no longer had it.

  I loved them both....

  The sweetest most recent memory I have of Mom was about 3 weeks ago. She was sitting by the window in her wheelchair. I walked in and said hello and gave her a warm hug across her back and she leaned her face against mine. It felt like affection. I think we ministered to each other.

  On Sept 5th I went in to see her by myself. She was in bed, but she was awake and paid close attention to me. I talked to her about Pop and that he doesn't come to see her anymore and why he isn't coming. Then I left, she seemed perfectly fine, but then I don't know everything.

  I missed my turn on Saturday then to go see her because of other obligations. So then the following Monday the 11th Phebe stopped to see her. When she came home she told me she was horrified about how bad Grandma looked. She said she thinks Grandma is dying. That was the day the Nursing Home called and wanted to meet on Tuesday the 12th.

  When I stopped in to see Mom before the meeting. I couldn't stop the tears. She had drastically changed from my last visit. The rest of the story is history now, but I thought back to my last visit when I had told her again about Pop. Did it sink in that time that he wasn't coming back and she made up her mind to go to him?

Thursday, September 14, 2017

More On Mom

   Yesterday was a full day. I met Larita and Angie in the Nursing home to see how Mom was doing. When we got there her breathing was very labored, but they soon brought in oxygen and there was a noticeable difference. She relaxed and even looked at us.

  We left then because Larita had come to help us go through things at the Pop's house because Darwin's are remodeling and there's too much stuff in the way. We worked until about 3:30 and then ran in to see mom again. She was much the same.

  I had asked the nurse for sponges that we could moisten her mouth with and Angie tried using a straw to drip water in her mouth. But since she can't swallow it just made her cough and make choking noises. She has a lot of phlegm down there.

  At this point no one knows how long it will be till she is gone. It has only been a little over 2 months since Pop died so I'm tempted to think maybe she did realize he wan't coming in anymore and she lost her will to live. Although in reality the natural progression of Dementia is that in the last stage the brain breaks down to the point where they forget how to swallow. Which is the stage my mom is at

  I have long dreaded this stage of Dementia. Knowing all along that it would come to this and we would have to watch her slowly die. My prayer for her is that she will go quickly and peacefully. My comfort lies in the fact that Dad is waiting for her on the other side. I can see him now. Waiting with eager anticipation.

  Darwin sent me this song couldn't be more fitting.

"Send Your Best Angel For My Momma"

Would you please send your best angel for my mama?
I don't want her to make this journey all alone.
Would you send the same one you sent for Daddy?
To make sure that my mama makes it home.

When it's time for you to call my mama,
Would you please take special care with her?
And dear Lord, would you let her die easy?
She has suffered so much here on this earth.


I know she'll be a perfect angel.
She has been a perfect mama to me.
And when it's time for me to come to join them,
Lord, just send that same angel for me.
And I believe He will.....(this phrase is spoken)

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

It's Time To Come Back

  The blog has been calling me. It's time I come back with the continuing story of  Mom. We now have a rotating schedule between us local of Mom's kids so that she gets a visitor everyday. It's not etched in stone, but we know if we skip a turn one day we better not skip the next one. We have a guest book there that tracks our progress.

   Even though Mom seems largely unaware that Pop no longer comes to see her. It does seem like not having regular visitors may cause anxiety issues.

   I like to take her on little wheelchair journeys through the nursing home and out in the courtyard, if she happens to be in her wheelchair already when I get there. I don' t know if she likes it or not, but I do. It makes me feel like I'm doing something for her. So now I push my Mom out on the very same halls that I used to push my Dad in on.

   It doesn't seem like Mom changes a lot. Her stares get blanker and her reality dimmer, but in very tiny, minuscule increments. A few days ago the nursing home called and notified me that her lab work is showing that she is dehydrated. For right now we are choosing to have the nursing staff make an effort to get more fluids in her, hoping to avoid a hospital stay for IV treatment.

  A few days later now........the Nursing home called to set up a meeting to discuss Mom's care. Steve and I were there a half hour early, so we spent that time with mom. She was noticeably worse than shen I was in a week ago. I had missed my turn on Sat because of other unforeseen obligations.

   Last time I was there she was in bed but she woke up and looked at me. She knew I was there. Today she was laying in a fetal position, her eye that I could see was half opened, but she didn't stir or respond to me at all, even though I talked to her, held her hand

and rubbed her back. The only time she reacted at all was when I turned her music on. Then she moved around a little, but still didn't respond to me.

  After our meeting we went to see her again and she was in the dining room, but she was sleeping in her chair. I don't think they will get her to eat anything.