On Monday Dad and I were scheduled to be at a hearing for guardianship for Mom. Since we never had a POA done while she still knew what she was doing and could still sign her name.
I had never been in a court room before so it was very interesting. Very formal and slightly intimidating.
But mostly I was interested in the building. Such beautiful wood, ornate carvings, massive stone columns and stonework. I felt like I was stepping back in time and would be sure to encounter fine gentlemen dressed in formal wear and elegant ladies dressed in beautiful dresses that though they are ornate and beautiful would sufficiently cover.
As I sat there with Steve waiting till time to go in, I was drinking it all in. There was a beautiful staircase with lovely carved banisters. It was so delicious! Then I noticed someone had commited a crime. I really hope they are doing jail time for it.
I noticed that over the top of a beautiful wooden door was an ordinary piece of fake wood paneling. Whatever! It looked like an imposter to me. I looked around at other doors and spyed another one with a square of ugly plywood. How could anyone do that? I wondered. I finally located a door that was original and found that there was actually supposed to be a square of glass above the doors instead of those ugly wood fillins. I complained bitterly to Steve, but he was only amused at my annoyance.
You can't tell me the county can't afford a few pieces of glass to keep that building beautiful!
Inside the court room was awe inspiring. Huge rounded ceiling, wood everywhere, carved banisters, beautiful tall windows with carved wooden doors that closed over the windows behind the Judge's seat.
I was glad I was only in there for a guardianship hearing and not something I was in trouble for. My mind went to the last judgement and I thought about when we shall all stand before the judgement seat of Christ to receive for the things done in the body, whether good or bad.
There's something about seeing a Judge that makes you think, ......and why do they wear black? Just a thought. This guy was nice though. He kept pulling on his beard when he was thinking. I guess it's OK for judges to wear beards. There was pictures of previous judges on the wall dating back to most likely the early 1800s. They all looked very sober and intimidating.
That was my morning in court. We got the guardianship taken care of and I got to see the inside of a court room.
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