Friday, February 17, 2017

Roses For Valentine's Day

  I ran into town today and we ended up at Walmart. As we walked in I told Phebe that with the weather being warmer and the fact that we were there by ourselves without any kids to watch out for the temptation to spend money would be greater. Kind of like you feel like celebrating for some reason.

   So I told her, "Now don't let me spend money in here on anything that is not on my list" She laughed and committed to at least trying to stop me. Now I am not a big spender usually. But I know the feeling when I really feel like I could :) I learned from Grandma Kropf how not to spend money. You just don't do it. You don't buy stuff you don't need.

   But of course we had to walk right past the men's clearance sale. Everything is on sale there and Steve and the boys badly needed new dress shirts. So yes I did buy one for each of them. We walked on.....the women department has clearance sales too! I stopped, I looked, I longed after a sweater which thankfully was a size to small or I probably wouldn't have resisted. But I walked out of there with nothing!

  I took a quick run past the coffee hoping they had organic, which they didn't, so I was delivered from that temptation right stress!

  We breezed past the Valentine's Day candy but it was so picked over and no dark chocolate, so who really cares. Then would you believe, I was so unprepared for this. I came upon a whole table full of marked down roses! So beautiful! I was so drawn to them. Phebe mentioned that she wasn't doing well at keeping me on task and I told her I was thinking of Grandma and her "Awww! Grandma loves roses" was my undoing. I bought them....and I am so glad I did.

  Mom loved them!

 I knew she likes to hold her flowers so I pulled just one out for her , she held it and looked at it and sometimes she would get a little smile. I liked that.

  Before I left though I traded the rose for a super soft Teddy Bear she has there, because I don't want to leave her alone with a rose. I'm not sure what she will do with it and I don't want her to eat it.

 She held the bear and padded and stroked it. She really liked that too. She likes to feel the softness and that bear is incredibly soft.

  I left before Dad came in, he said he is changing his visiting pattern a little because they want him to feed her in her room. Something about she sticks her tongue out when she eats and they think she is biting it. Dad said someone is coming in to check it out.

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