Wednesday, February 24, 2016

With Mom Today

  This past week I have been with Mom almost every day because Kristin was sick. So Phebe and I got to do the cleaning and laundry over there.

  I went over again today. I have been noticing that Mom doesn't walk as well anymore. She favors her left side. I'm not sure if her hip is hurting or what is going on, but she seems uncertain with that side. It gets a little scarier to walk her by myself because I worry that one misstep could put her on the floor.

  I spent last Saturday with her. I gave her meatloaf, scalloped potatoes and applesauce for lunch. I sat her at the table to eat and when I had my back turned she got up and was back in her chair before I knew she had left the table. I was thankful she made it back alright, but she only ate a few bites.

  She is also much more sober. I can barely get a smile out of her. She just stares at me with disapproving looks. Even Merry didn't get her usual hugs and smiles last time she was there with me.

  Today when I got there she had on a very messy bib. Apparently Dad had given her a snack just before I got there. I noticed she seemed to be harboring something kind of down beside her. At first I didn't pay attention but when I looked closer I saw she had a coffee mug there. She had her hand inside the cup. There was less than 1/2 inch of coffee in it. She didn't want to hand it over when I asked for it, but later she willingly gave it to me.

  I know it's not going to get any easier from here. I am thankful that I cannot see around the bend and I continually remind myself that God only requires me to walk through today.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

More Snow

  It's cold.....minus 5 and minus 8 have been normal around here this past week. That is really not that bad considering that normally we would be having 20 below right now. But since we have had a milder winter, we are turning into Pansies.........which brings up a thought....why do we call what we esteem wimpish behavior being a Pansy?

  I have never seen a braver flower. They bloom early in the spring and smile through a skiff of snow. Why don't we call wimpy people Day Lillies or Poppies? Both of those flowers are here today, gone would make much more sense but if doesn't sound right. "You Day Lily" or "You Poppy" just don't pack the punch that "You Pansy" does.

  So, if you get called a Pansy, don't take offense. That's one tough little flower.

    It was my turn to stay with Mom on Sat. morning but Steve and I had gone to Illinois for more books on Friday and staff meeting ended up running later than usual. We had a LOT of books to unload into storage at home before Steve could leave on his route on Monday. So I called Galen and he kindly took my place.

  It was also Mom's day for a shower so Angie and I headed over to the folks by 8:30 that morning.  Mom was somewhat uncooperative. We basically had to dress her without any help from her. You know how hard it is to get a sleeve on an arm that isn't helping. It's a push and shove situation. My Dad said she wasn't walking quite as well either the past few days. So I'm not sure if she isn't feeling well or if she just doesn't like early showers.

  Last Tuesday when we were there for her shower, I walked in and looked her over and told her it was time to trim her nails again. She didn't like that. She frowned, shook her head "no" and gave me a push with her foot. But she did pretty well then. I had to reassure her quite a lot that I would not hurt her and she allowed me to trim them without trouble.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Snow Storms

   Our predicted snow storm wasn't quite as bad as they thought it would be. It was nice enough to satisfy my snow needs, but not the 8-12 inches that they warned us about. We had a cozy day anyway, cinnamon rolls, coffee and tonight Hot Chocolate.

    Last Monday I went with Steve to get books at Matemora again. On the way home around 5:00pm I got a call from Angie saying that my Dad had left Mom with her just before 2:00 and said he was going to Viroqua. He didn't give her a flight plan. Where he was headed or which direction. Soon after he left it started snowing. Thick and heavy. Dad is from the old school and never thinks about the need for a cell phone. He has one, but it usually is out of minutes. 

    So, Angie was worried. It was getting dark and no sign of Pop. I told her to call Darwin cause he might know where Pop was going, as in which Amish farm.I had visions of him landing in the ditch on some obscure back road that we wouldn't know how to find and then that's all the further I allowed my mind to go. I don't like activating stress hormones when there is nothing I can do to fix the problem. I didn't hear anything back after that, so I figured all must be well as no news is good news. I called her back later and she told me Pop had made it back. Like the tough old survivor he is. He said he saw some cars in the ditch, but he made it back! 

    Mom is still mostly the same. I still can't figure out how much she comprehends. I'm pretty sure she can't read anymore. I wish she would try to communicate more with at least a nod or a shake of the head.I know she still is happy to see us when we come. , and she loves kids.