Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Cast Your Bread Upon the Waters

Cast your bread upon the waters,
    for you will find it after many days. Ecc 11:1

   Mom always loved children. She had a still birth that I think she never really got over. In her heart she still had a longing for that child. She didn't talk about it a lot but it resurfaced now and then and I could tell it still felt like a loss to her.

  After she lost Daryl, enough years passed that she thought she wouldn't have more children. It was then that her and Dad started talking about adoption. That's when Angie came into our lives. 

   I wasn't in the picture yet when they adopted Angie, but they tell me she was a very cute little 3 year old with lots of blonde curls. She was very bright, talked a lot and learned PA. Dutch so fast that she talked to her Social worker in Dutch when she came back for a visit.

  I know when Mom answered the yearning in her heart for another child through adoption, she never thought of it as "casting her bread on the water", but when I see what Angie does for Mom today I can't help but think about that.

  Mom loves Angie. She always gets a huge smile on her face when Angie comes in to help with her shower. She loves Angie's food. I think she equates Angie with Peanut Butter Pie and Cinnamon Rolls. Angie comes in there with her hearty laugh, gives her a huge hug and says, "Mom I love you."

  Mom doesn't receive back only the blessing of Angie herself but also from Angie's daughter Kristin. I delight to see the love poured out on Grandma from Kristin coming in and keeping the house clean, doing her laundry, always with a cheerful attitude and that classic big hug and "I love you Grandma" before she leaves again. 

  So love given has been love multiplied and Mom is reaping the rewards......who could ask for better than that? Once again God's word is proven true. Even though Mom herself can't rationalize that out. I can, and it makes me happy!


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