Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Five Days Later

  Mom is making progress. After 10 injections of blood thinner along with five days worth of oral blood thinner she is walking much better. We no longer have to feel like we're carrying her when we make the trek from bed to toilet to chair. We are getting braver and taking her a short distance from wheelchair to her recliner with only one of us assisting and she is handling it.

  She is not impressed with her injections. I can't say i blame her for that. Angie and I are both relieved that the Dr. cut it back to one a day and only until Thursday.

  The greatest blessing of all is that Home Healthcare is coming to the house to do her blood tests. Which means we won't have to wrangle her into the van anymore. It's next to impossible to get her to lift her bad leg into the van and on into the seat. We were having to get her in by sheer force of will and wit.

  I have been measuring her leg and it has finally gone down 1/4 of an inch. So naturally we assume her pain level is getting better as well.

 We were concerned that as her blood clot dissolved there would be pieces that break loose and travel up into her lungs. But the Dr. said she is out of the woods now. So a lot to be thankful for. She cannot really communicate her pain other than frown and grab her covers and pull them tightly up to her neck. So by her body language I would say she is feeling much better. She is smiling much more although she still hates the injections.

  Our dog got hit on the road last night. I took her to the vet today and found she has a broken pelvis. So now we have two patients. Grandma and the Dog. Neither of them talk, but body language still speaks.

 You should have seen the dog when her best friend cat came in this morning. Big smile and wagging the tail. She was the closest to excited that she has been since she got hurt. The cat's reaction? Typical cat. No sympathy whatsoever. Just walks in, doesn't say one kind word and helps herself to the food.


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