The folks seemed to be doing good. Mom was pretty quiet all evening. Your never sure just how much she understands because she doesn't interact much. She did understand that supper was ready though because I saw her motion to my Dad that she wanted some food. I think she has been losing weight recently.
The topic of interest tonight was a story of how to boil an egg.
.......Here is how one man did it. You see his wife wasn't home. She had gone to Arkansas to visit her Dad. I suppose that he was missing his cook but he came home from work and decided to boil some eggs. So he put the kettle on to boil and dropped his eggs in. Then he remembered something he needed to do outside. When he got out there he saw the lawn needed to be mowed and so he decided to do it. Right then and there. So he mows the yard. He mowed for 45 minutes and then he ran out of gas. When he went for the gas can, he remembered his eggs, so he hurried into the house. They were still there, oh yes they were. But the smoke was rolling and all the fire alarms were going. He opened all the windows and then he ran upstairs and it was just as bad up there and all the alarms were going up there too. So he opened the windows upstairs too. I wonder what he ate that night. Well anyway if you want the rest of the story......well, just call Mervin!
Mom at Angie's house on one of her Saturday morning visits.
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