Thursday, June 30, 2016

Ocean in a Bottle

  Yesterday when I went to see mom she was very agitated. Dad said she was grabbing things and making it hard to feed her.

  Later that day I was browsing on Pinterest and I found a recipe for calming bottles. They were using them for kids, but I thought it should work as well for a person with Dementia.

  So today Merry and I put one together for Grandma. I chose the "Ocean in a Bottle" because it sounded relaxing. And for a little special touch I bought the little Sea Turtle "Squirt" to put in the bottle. That way we can watch him swim.

  I bought everything I needed at The Dollar Tree. A bottle of sparkling water, to reuse for the bottle, veggie oil and the afore mentioned sea turtle.

It's a very simple process. Fill the empty bottle 1/3 full of water and 4 drops of blue food coloring, shake and fill the bottle the rest of the way with veggie oil. Last of all squeeze the sea turtle in. He comes attached to a rock but I easily twisted him off and discarded the rock.

Super glue the lid on so that it won't come off, and your done!

  Tomorrow I will see how Mom likes it.....

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Monday, June 27, 2016

Out of Rythm

  When you get used to a pattern in your life then changes feel really weird. We got home from vacation on Sunday evening, so this morning I went to the Nursing home to see Mom. She was very sober. She didn't lighten up at all except I got her to smile for the second picture I took of her.

  I showed her pictures on my Kindle just to give her something to think about. She smiles at pictures of her grandkids but when we got to a picture of me she just stares at it. Sober as a judge. I started to wonder if she was blaming me for this nursing home stint. But Larita said she responded to her in the same way.

   Tomorrow I will go in at 9am to comb her hair, we'll see how she does then. I plan to stop by the house and get some things she is familiar with and see if that makes her happy.

I had to chuckle a little tonight at Merry. After a long day of laundry and pulling weeds in my garden I decided to soak my feet before I go to bed. Merry took the opportunity to help me. She grabs the foot brush and goes to work.

On this particular footbrush is what looks like a cheese grater in miniature. She proceeds to use the thing on my heel and when I flinched she says,
  "Don't be a wimp mom."
  She continues with her grating job and gives me a look and says, "Someday you'll thank me."

  Aha! I laughed, maybe I understand my mom just a little better now!
   It will take awhile for me to get used to the new pattern. I always feel like it's time to run and put mom to bed and then realize that she isn't at home. Most likely she is adjusting to the new rhythm too!

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Wednesday, June 22, 2016


  I can't believe all these things are happening to mom while I am on vacation. But in some ways maybe it is at the best time. This way she's being cared for at the hospital, and I don't have to worry about Angie carrying the weight of care by herself. 

  So I have come out of the wilderness to do laundry and discover that the laundrymat has free WiFi! Oh joy! And so when I think of you, my relatives and readers, who deserves an update about mom before I check email and fb? Well, you of course!

  I'm not there in the fray, so I have to report what I hear rather than firsthand info. My Dad said last night that her numbers are good and she will be discharged before long to go to a nursing home. I'm not sure how she will respond to that change. Angie said she is pretty agitated in the hospital.

  It's interesting how things go. We were looking at putting her in the home for the 8 weeks that Angie will be gone because of her difficulty with walking, I felt I couldn't handle it by myself. There were a lot of hoops to jump through. Now because she ended up in the hospital she will go to the nursing home from there and medicare will pay for it. There is still a mountain of paperwork. We have to go through a lawyer to appoint a guardian because we never got the pow for health done when she was OK. Some how we never thought mom would be the one to need it this soon. If you don't have this done, then get it done today. It will save you a lot of headache.

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Saturday, June 18, 2016

They Admitted Her

Mom has been admitted to the hospital. The Dr. said her Cumidun levels are way to high. She doesn't have a blood clot but rather is bleeding inside her leg. He explained that her situation is difficult because her one leg needs the Cumidun but the other one doesn't. They are taking her off to try and bring her numbers down.

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Possible Hospital Stay

  The swelling in mom's leg has been getting worse and we are thinking her leg is what affects her walking. Angie and I have not been able to handle her anymore. On Wed. evening we had to get Isaiah in to help us transfer her from wheelchair to bed.

Today Angie talked to her boss at the Nursing home she works at and she strongly feels like mom has another blood clot. I was leaving for vacation so I called Darwin and briefed him in. They evaluated mom this afternoon and decided to call the ambulance.

So at the moment mom is at the ER with a high possibility of being admitted. I just contacted Angie and she said they are doing an ultrasound on her leg.

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Monday, June 13, 2016

Just For Fun

 Angie and I noticed last evening that Mom's other leg is really getting swollen by the end of the day. Not the leg that had the blood clot but the other one. This morning it was still looking a bit swollen. So we are wondering what is going on. Of course there is no way I want to think about the strain of taking her in to the Dr.

  I grumped to Angie about it,
       " I wish Dr. Richardson would do house calls."

Ever practical Angie says
      "We aren't living in that Era anymore! You want to do without your computer?

me: YUP!

Angie: "Your phone?"

me: YUP!

Angie: "Electricity?"

Now we're getting too practical here.

Me: "We-e-ll"

Angie: "Your van?"

me: Uh-h, no!, it would be pretty hard to come over here twice a day without my van.

...and I'm thinking, no way! if we didn't live as we do today there is no way we could care for mom in her own home like we do now. I saw quick visions of mom living in my house and having sole responsibility for her care. Um, no....... complaints retracted......

Angie with a huge grin on her face, got her point across....

  I decided to count my blessings and roll with it!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

When Pain is Good

  There are some things on this earth that I don't understand. One of those things is Dementia. but I have been around long enough and seen enough to know that pain is good.

    My first real heartbreak happened when I was 17 and got dumped by my boyfriend that I really hadn't wanted in the beginning anyway. I was in need of wisdom and I received it through pain. I learned a big lesson about guys and how to walk away. I learned to hold on to my heart and not give it away until I knew the man was for real.

  Some of my regular readers will remember that our dog got hit on the road and suffered a broken pelvis. Ah! What a sweet dog she is, but she is not the same. She was always flirting with the road. She had a circuit around our yard that she ran regularly. She always made a huge show of bravery whenever we drove into the lane. Barking vigorously and racing out into the pines valiantly protecting us from some imaginary creature.

  After her accident she became a porch dog. Much more subdued and much wiser. She still runs her circuit but she is much more cautious, and since her accident she is a little stiff and can't jump up on us in that annoying way she did before she got hurt.

 So was her accident a good thing? Absolutely! She is a better dog today, and so are many of us when life throws pain our way. Another thing I notice about our dog is that she was never bitter or angry. She did the best she could with what she had left. I never saw a dog run like her. In the weeks after her accident she was still regaining the use of her back legs. She could go up a hill just fine, but coming down was awkward. She held both back legs an inch or two off the ground and ran downhill using only her front legs.

  There has been other pain God has allowed in my life that put me on my face in the presence of God, where I begged God for help and found that we walk by faith not by sight. Sometimes I took God at his word and stepped out into what appeared like nothingness only to find my foot on solid ground. I learned that in the presence of God there is fullness of joy. God has never let me down. He has given to me way more good things then I ever thought possible in this life and eternal riches in the world to come.

  Sometime I might put into words that story as well, but not today. It is not an open book yet. Only suffice it to say that what God tells you in his word is true and that when you prevail in prayer for someone you love more than life, he does answer your prayer and in the process spills some on you as well.

  As we see mom continue to get worse, I know there is pain ahead. I dread to see her continue to weaken. To eventually be bedfast. Thinking of the future is much harder to deal with then the present. So can I just leave the future in the hands of God and live today?

   Her condition at this moment is that walking is getting more and more difficult for her. We now mostly are transferring her from bed to wheelchair to toilet to chair and then all that in reverse at the end of the day again. Tonight when Angie and I went to put her to bed she had scooted so far down in her recliner that it was impossible to lift her up onto her feet to get her in her wheelchair. Thankfully Steve had gone over with me and he helped get her up.

At this point I don't see a lot of good involved with the pain of watching my Mom leave this world by inches. Someday I may view it differently.


Saturday, June 4, 2016

Life Keeps Moving

On Friday evening Phebe and I put Mom to bed. When we went to help her out of her chair she braced herself and resisted us.  She had a scared look on her face. I really think she is stuck on her normal helpers. She doesn't like change.

  It might be a good idea to have a regular rotation so that she becomes accustomed to more caregivers.

  The kids stayed with mom this forenoon. While they were there they planted potatoes in the garden.