He has his moments of struggle. It's hard for him sometimes when Mom really acts like she doesn't know him. Sometimes she pushes him away and acts afraid of him. that is pretty hard on him. He has shed quite a few tears already. I see that it is getting a little easier as he adjusts but it is still hard on him.
I don't know how every family is because I only grew up in one, but I had a really good example of a loving relationship watching my parents. I remember him kissing her in the kitchen. I remember her sitting on his lap in the living room. There was lots of laughter between them quite often. I'm not going to say everything was always perfect, but it was good.
We used to tease Mom about what a parrot would learn to say living in our house. She often greeted him at the door with, "Where have you been so long?" and "What took you so long?" She took that all in stride and laughed with us. But it was amusing to imagine.
In 2013, my Dad spent 1 1/2 months in the hospital. Going from Richland Center to La Crosse and on to Mayo Clinic. While he was still in RC, my Mom who had given up driving since she had broken her shoulder a few years before, actually drove in by herself to be with him. I could not believe it. It was then that it really soaked into my mind how much they still were in love and dependent on each other.
Steve and I took her to La Crosse to see him while he was at Gunderson and I still remember....we took her up in a wheelchair because walking was hard on her back then and she wheeled her chair right up beside his bed and held his hand. You could tell that in the middle of all his problems all was right with his world when she was there holding his hand.
I'm realizing that it doesn't get easier when you get old. Life is tough. But God is bigger than all our problems.
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